Husky safari is the most memorable experience of the winter 

A hus­ky safa­ri is an expe­rience you will never for­get! Get rea­dy for an unfor­get­table adven­tu­re as you’­re pul­led by hap­py and ent­husias­tic hus­kies through the stun­ning sce­ne­ry of Ruka-Kuusa­mo on a dog sled ride. You’ll find three hus­ky safa­ri pro­grams of varying lengths, so you can choo­se the expe­rience that’s right for you. Click on the pro­gram for a detai­led pro­gram description.

Safe and easy

We’­re focused to offer a safe and enjo­y­able expe­rience for eve­ry­one! Our pro­fes­sio­nal gui­des are the­re to ensu­re your safe­ty and make dri­ving the sled easy and fun. They’­re always rea­dy to help if nee­ded, so you can relax and enjoy the ride.

The dri­ving times are approxi­ma­te as the dura­tion of the trip depends on, for example, weat­her con­di­tions and the num­ber of sleds. We reser­ve the right to chan­ge pro­grams due to weat­her conditions.

Plea­se book your hus­ky adven­tu­re in advance. If you have any ques­tions about your reser­va­tion or if you do not find a sui­table time on the calen­dar for your safa­ri, plea­se send us an email at or call +358 40 570 0279. We will be hap­py to assist you in fin­ding a sui­table time.

Hop on a sled and enjoy the thrill of sled­ding with the huskies!


Erä-Susi Hus­kies

Ruka­jär­ven­tie 30



+358 40 570 0279