Here you’ll find answers to the ques­tions we get asked the most about our pro­grams and services.

If you can’t find what you’­re loo­king for here, feel free to send us a mes­sa­ge

How to get here?

You can easi­ly reach us by your own car, we have a big par­king space next to our ken­nel. We’re 9 minu­tes (7 km) from Ruka Vil­la­ge cen­ter and 18 minu­tes (20 km) from Kuusa­mo air­port. Adress: Ruka­jär­ven­tie 30, 93830 Rukatunturi.

Do you offer transport service?

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, no. Best option is to come by taxi or a ski bus from Ruka Village.

Here is link to local taxi ser­vice:

Here is link to Ski­Bus sche­du­le:

How many people fit in the same sled?

The­re are two people on the sled: one is dri­ving and the other is sit­ting in the pas­sen­ger seat. If you’­re tra­ve­ling with kids, they’ll be cozy and warm on the sled, cove­red with a blanket. 

Do you offer winter gears? 

Yes, we offer warm arc­tic ove­ralls, glo­ves and shoes, if necessary.

Do we need to make a reservation?

Yes, plea­se book your hus­ky adven­tu­re in advance. This way we can offer you the best pos­sible expe­rience with our dogs.

Can I feed the huskies?

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly no. They’­re ath­le­tes on a cer­tain kind of diet. Our dogs are fed a pre­mium Fin­nish dry dog food and raw meat.